Medulla of lymph node

Medulla of lymph node Definition

It is the middle section of the lymph node.

Medulla of lymph node Anatomy

This structure is constituted by cord-shaped lumps of lymphocytes that are separated by lymph sinuses. It is composed of two types of structures:

Medullary cords

These are lymphatic tissue cords and are comprised of B cells, macrophages, and plasma cells.

Medullary sinuses

Also known as sinusoids, these are vessel-shaped spaces that keep the medullary cords isolated. These contain reticular cells and histiocytes (macrophages that are incapable of movement).

Medulla of lymph node Pictures

Take a look at these images to know how this lymphatic structure appears to view.

Picture of Medulla of lymph node

Picture 1 – Medulla of lymph node

Image of Medulla of lymph node

Picture 2 – Medulla of lymph node Image


Last updated on March 21st, 2018 at 12:43 pm

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