Pars tuberalis Definition
It refers to a pair of processes that grow in an upward or forward along the stem of the adenohypohysis. It is a part of the anterior lobe of the human pituitary gland.
In Latin, it is referred to as “Pars Tuberalis Adenohypophyseos.”
Pars tuberalis Anatomy
It appears as a thin plate to view. The main cells of this structure are low columnar in type. The cytoplasm comprises of many liquid droplets, a few colloid droplets, and granules of glycogen. Certain functional gonadotrophs can also be found.
Pars tuberalis Function
It wraps the stalk of the pituitary gland within a sheath that is extremely vascularized. It also forms a part of the adenohypophysis.
Pars tuberalis Pictures
Get an idea from these images about the appearance of this structure of the human endocrine system.
Picture 1 – Pars tuberalis
Picture 2 – Pars tuberalis Image
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