Fundiform ligament of Penis

Fundiform ligament of Penis Definition

It refers to a thickening of the superficial fascia that stretches from the linea alba of the wall of the lower abdomen. In other words, it is a band of fibrous and elastic fibers that blends with the fascia which surrounds the penis.

The structure is known as ‘Ligamentum fundiforme penis’ in Latin and ‘Ligament fundiforme du pénis’ in French. Sometimes, it is also referred to as ‘Retzius’ band’ of the penis. Although rarely mentioned, the Retzius’ band’ can also be found in females and is known as ‘Fundiform ligament of Clitoris.’

Fundiform ligament of Penis Location

It is superficial to the structure known as the Suspensory ligament. It runs from the pubic bone level, moves laterally around the sides of the male penis and finally joins at the base of the penis prior to meeting the septum of the scrotum.

Fundiform ligament of Penis Picture

Here are a couple of images that would help you get an idea about the physical appearance of this structure.

Picture of Fundiform ligament of Penis

Picture 1 – Fundiform ligament of Penis

 Image of Fundiform ligament of Penis

Picture 2 – Fundiform ligament of Penis Image


Last updated on November 14th, 2018 at 8:13 pm

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