Thoracic splanchnic nerves

Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves Definition

They refer to the splanchnic nerves which arise from the particular thoracic segment of the sympathetic nerves and pass inferiorly to supply sympathetic innervations to the abdomen. Such splanchnic nerves include visceral afferent and preganglionic sympathetic fibers.

Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves Types

Such nerves can be broadly classified into three main types including:

Greater Splanchnic Nerve

Such nerves pass through the diaphragm and penetrate inside the abdominal cavity, colligating the fibers at the celiac ganglia.

Lesser Splanchnic Nerve

These nerves pass inferiorly, sideways to the greater splanchnic nerves and the fibers synapse in the superior mesenteric ganglia along with their postganglionic matching part.

Least Splanchnic Nerve

Such nerves pass into the abdominal cavity. In the renal ganglia the fibers of such splanchnic nerves synapse.

Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves Anatomy

The anatomical disparity of the nerves is acquired from the medical twigs of the lower seven thoracic sympathetic ganglia. The lesser and the lower splanchnic nerves have less cranial assistance generally T11/T12, compared to the greater splanchnic nerves. The celiac plexus is a vital substitution for autonomic fibers and derives a number of thoracic splanchnic nerve fibers as it travels towards the abdominal cavity.

Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves Location

These nerves are located in the visceral portion of the thoracic sympathetic trunks.

Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves Function

The sole purpose of these fibers is to transport the sympathetic fibers to the abdominal cavity. Such nerves also carry afferent and preganglionic efferent fibers.

Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves Pictures

Take a peek at these pictures to know how these nerves appear to view.

Picture of Thoracic splanchnic nerves

Picture 1 – Thoracic splanchnic nerves

Image of Thoracic splanchnic nerves

Picture 2 – Thoracic splanchnic nerves Image


Last updated on March 21st, 2018 at 12:38 pm

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